'We Rock for Autism' To Feature Local Bands At The Gin Mill in Northampton

Local musicians are joining together for a worthy cause when they present "We Rock for Autism," a benefit, Saturday. 
The event will be held at the Gin Mill and Grille, 1750 Main St. in Northampton. Tickets cost $5 with 100 percent of ticket sales going to charity, according to a news release. 
Mitch from 99.9 The Hawk will host the event featuring Sarah Ayers, Jake & the New Constitution and Mike Rausher from The Aardvarks
Doors will open 5 p.m. with music starting 5:30 p.m. and lasting until midnight. Raffles will be held, with 100 percent of proceeds also going to charity, the release says. Autism Speaks is listed as the chosen charity for the event. 
The night's performances will include: 


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