Are Valley Democrats @War With Themselves Or Black Leadership?

Ed Hozza Jr Whitehall Mayor speaks on his hopes for the future of the Democratic Party. He has just been elected Democratic Committe Chair, replacing Walter Felton, who is the first black elected Chair. Kathy Harrington also gives inspiring words about the vibrance of new blood on the committee. She also won her campaign to be the new 1st Vice Chair. Other winners are 2nd Vice Chair - John Schreiner Secretary - Eileen Aguilera Treasurer - Danielle Shackelford Hillary Kleinz Here all I have to say- I will first congratulate all the winners last night for the Lehigh Dems Reorg on to the next 4 years getting Democrats at all levels elected. And let me say in advance if able to vote I would have voted for most of the winners. And my statement below is not meant to criticize them in any way, but shed some light of some of the corrupt practices from the outgoing folks that I’ve had to stand up against for the past 4 years here. I was was glad to see so many new faces in that room last night and I was glad to see character assassination off the table as a tactic. However, two things happened last night that greatly upset me. 1. I was not allowed to vote last night. Despite being a qualified PCP who circulated petitions, nominated and won on the ballot in May in that precinct, voted in that precinct and still legally registered in that precinct with proof shown to the credentialing committee. And by the way the rules on that are if someone is a legal voter where they are registered that makes them eligible for PCP. My understanding is anonymous people took pictures and said my home was vacant without validating that information or a chance to prove otherwise. (Creepy AF to do that to disenfranchise someone btw) That effectively barred me from making nominations from the floor or objecting when item 2 happened. 2. In one of the elections a motion was made to nominate from the floor someone not present. The nomination was blocked with the justification that Roberts Rules of order didn’t allow for it. That was a blatant lie made to the entire voting committee. Here is the rule he was referring to which is quite clear on nominations being allowed for those not present. I am really tired of the lies and use of procedure and fake authority to undermine democratic principals. It’s not a good look for Democrats to do. So to make sure that no one thinks that was a valid rule for any nomination: Roberts rules of order section 11 rule 66 Nominations and Elections. “...An election takes effect immediately if the candidate is present and does not decline, or if he is absent and has consented to his candidacy. If he is absent and has not consented to his candidacy, it takes effect when he is notified of his election, provided he does not decline immediately. After the election has taken effect and the officer or member has learned the fact, it is too late to reconsider the vote on the election. An officer-elect takes possession of his office immediately, unless the rules specify the time. In most societies it is necessary that this time be clearly designated.” So in summary, can we please have the next 4 years without a party run by liars, cheats and remorseless felons? But good luck to all the new leaders. Sunlight is the best disinfectant!


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